Membership Terms

Welcome to Koncept Gym.
“We have kept a promise since day 1 that we will never raise prices for a member if that member has paid on time every month.” If you a current member and there has been a price rise, do not worry. As long as you continue to pay via direct debit on time every month, we guarantee to lock in that reduced rate.

Memberships will be deemed cancelled if the payment is late, D/D cancelled with the bank, cancelled with DFC, cancelled with Koncept. If the membership is subsequently “restarted” then the current up to date fee will be applied.
This is a small incentive to our longstanding members who pay on time every month to have an ongoing benefit.

Membership terms and Conditions

There is no fixed membership contract.
There is no joining fee.
There is no cancellation fee.
All memberships MUST be paid via direct debit. D/D will be taken on the 1st OR 14th of every month
We do not accept cash memberships
We use a 3rd party company called DFC who collect the payments on our behalf, so expect to see DFC rather than Koncept Gym on your bank statement.
DFC collect the membership payment on the 1st of every month
DFC will attempt to collect this on the 1st of every month unless instructed otherwise by us.
By signing up to a membership we expect to take this payment on time every month. If the Direct debit bounces due to insufficient funds or cancellation from the member DFC WILL APPLY AN ADMIN CHARGE. It is also likely that your bank will also apply a charge. Please make sure the money for your membership is available each month.
If you want to cancel or freeze your membership we must have this in writing via email to at least 14 days prior to payment being taken. This is to ensure there is a clear time stamped record of dialogue.
Speaking to staff, phoning, texting or social media messages are not adequate, again we require an email.
Memberships must be cancelled 14 days before the payment is due to avoid an invoice and therefore a charge being raised for the next month.
If the money is not available in your account or the D/D has been cancelled by you without emailing us, this is treated as an unpaid invoice to Koncept Gym and DFC will levy an additional surcharge.
If you are having financial issue then please speak to Mark or Dirk in private or send us a message. Ultimately we want to see you train and achieve your goals, much more than see you charged unnecessarily. Where possible we will be fair and try to help. As long as you let us know 6 days before the end of the month we can freeze or change the upcoming invoice / DD charge.

If you have any questions regarding your membership then please ask a member of staff or email the Gym.